KB-grassland improves soil health and the soils micro-environment.
KB-grassland promotes the root growth of the grass and improves the roots ability to absorb water and nutrients.
KB-grassland increases the sugar content of the grass improving the taste and quality.
KB-grassland promotes grass growth making the leaves strong and green.
KB-grassland is applied once a year and can be applied from April to July, KB-grassland can be applied on its own but is best applied with an element balance spray following a grass tissue sample, or a folia nitrogen application if you are applying one.
KB-grassland, when applied on its own can be applied while your stock is still on the field.
KB-grassland produces natural nitrogen and helps to feed your grass evenly through out the growing season.
KB-grassland costs £25 per hectare
KB-grassland is applied at just 1 litre per hectare
Picture taken in June 2022 and is the result of 5 years of expensive lawn treatment using chemicals including nitrogen. The lawn was fed in early march and grew quickly for a few weeks. Once the nitrogen was used up and the temperature begain to increase the lawn turned brown.
Picture taken in june 2023. KB-grassland was applied in the autumn and again in mid april. Almost identical weather as previous year and the only difference is changing from chemical nitrogen to the natural nitrogen produced by KB-grassland.
Picture taken Spring 2022 before application of KB-grassland was applied. This grass has never before had any product applied to it.
Picture taken spring 2023 following 2 x applications of KB-grassland.
If this is of interest to you please contact us with your name, farm address and a few details about your farm via email, our address is
we look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as we can
Any prices quoted on this website are offered as a guide only and are based upon a minimum order value