KB-natural N is a natrual way to apply nitrogen to your crops. Applied twice a year in the spring KB-natural N uses microorganisms to supply your crops with a consistant supply of nitrogen through out the growing season allowing the crops to grow slowly and absorb more sunlight then they would if just using synthetic nitrogen.
KB-natural N works best when you have given your crops less nitrogen than they require. Idealy you would apply just 120kg of synthetic nitrogern per hectare. This means your crops are hungrey and are asking for nitrogen, the microorganisms within KB-natural N will make a home in the soil amoungst the roots of your crops and produce natural nitrogen that your crops can then absorb. KB-natural N will produce the equivalent of 40 - 80 kg of nitrogen per hectare spread evenly across the growing season. They will only produce the amount of nitrogen that your crops ask for so there is no risk of excess nitrogen seaping into the wider enviroment.
Produces natural nitrogen.
Enhances cell vitality accelerating the metabolism of plants increasing flowers and fruits.
Helps with disease prevention.
Accelerates root growth.
Produces natural acids, various enzymes and b vitamins.
Increases crops stress resistance.
Improves photosynthetic efficiency encouaging growth and leaf development.
Degrades pesticide residue in the soil.
Promotes hormones like Protease and Amylases Enzyme which increases plants resistability to leaf fungi disease.
The Barley on the left has been feed with just 50kg of nitrogen and 2 applications of KB-natural N, the slow, consistant feeding of the natural nitrogen allows the crop to grow naturally and absorbe more sunlight.
The Barley on the right was given 140KG plus of applied nitrogen and has grown quickly and is ready to harvest to early and has produced less grain as it will recieve 2-3 weeks less sunligh while costing more to produce.
KB-natural N costs £35 per hectare
KB-natural N is applied twice per year in the spring. KB-natural N is best applied with an application of folia nitrogen so it does not require an extra pass over your crop, simply add it to your sprayer when you are applying a folia application.
The first application is applied in early April, just as the soil temperature begins to rise.
The second application is around 3 weeks later, normally early May.
KB-natural N is applied at just 1 litre per hectare
KB-natural N is delivered fresh as needed. All you need to do is apply it within 14 days of recieving your delivery.
KB-natural N is delivered in 10 litre bottles so is very easy to handle and store.
If this is of interest to you please contact us with your name, farm address and a few details about your farm via email, our address is
we look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as we can
Any prices quoted on this website are offered as a guide only and are based upon a minimum order value