KB-one is an all natural product that improves the quality and fertility of your soil.
KB-one has been developed to be used on fields where the farmer is not ready to reduce their synthetic nitrogen levels yet but whats to begin to improve the health of their soil.
KB-one begins the journey to an enviromentally friendly farm with out the risk of losing any of your current yield levels.
KB-one is applied once per year for 3-5 years, during this time you can begin to lower your nitrogen inputs and see how your farm is responding to changing the way you are farming
KB-one is used when the applied nitrogen is between 160kg and 220kg per hectare. When your able to produce an acceptable yield with under 150kg of applied N your farm is ready to grow with KB-natural N.
Benefits of KB-one
KB-one helps to increase the worm population within your soil while improving the soils micro-environment.
KB-one encouages root growth enabling crops to find water and nutrients from deep within the soil, helping them to not just survive hot summers but to continue to grow through them.
KB-one helps to balance the PH levels in the soil around the roots of your crops.
KB-one helps to remove pathagenic bacteria.
KB-one produces natural amino acids helping to open the soil up improving aeration and drainage.
KB-one costs £15 per hectare
KB-one is applied April or May when you have a crop in the field that is actively growing. It is best applied with a folia application of nitrogen so you do not need to make an extra application with your sprayer as KB-one mixes in with either nitrogen or other elements you may need to apply.
Each application of KB-one only needs to be one litre per hectare meaning it is easy to store and cost effective to transport.
KB-one is supplied in 10 litre bottles, this enables you to easily shake the mixture before adding it to your sprayer. These bottles will be collected when you recieve your next delivery. Reusing the bottles helps to keep costs down and reduces waste, all leading to lower carbon footprints for us all.
If this is of interest to you please contact us with your name, farm address and a few details about your farm via email, our address is
we look forward to hearing from you and will get back to you as soon as we can
Any prices quoted on this website are offered as a guide only and are based upon a minimum order value